
Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T Manual

Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T

The user manual and instructions for use are important guidelines when you are going to use the Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T. This portable audio player is much in demand because it can produce sound perfectly. Audiophile lovers will definitely want to have this device.

However, we recommend that those of you who have just bought the Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T, please read the manual. We all know these devices are expensive. Surely you want this device to be durable and produce sound as expected.

Please study the specifications and features of the Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T. The user guide will help users find some features that are suitable for them and answer all the problems they might face in the future.

We will give you a small excerpt from the Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T manual. Check out the summary below. Please read carefully so that you can use your new device as expected.

Power Management

Turning the device on and off.

  1. To turn on the device, press and hold the [Power] button.
  2. Press and hold the [Power] button while the gadget is turned on to turn it off. A message of confirmation will display.
  3. To switch off the device, press [OK].

Turning the Screen On/Off

  1. Press the [Power] button to turn off the screen while it is on.
  2. To turn it on, press the [Power] button one more.


Charging with a 9V 1.67A output adapter. Commercially available 9V 1.67A output adapters can be used to charge the device.

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Place a microSD card in the slot and remove it.

  1. Carefully put a microSD card into the microSD card slot, as shown in the diagram.
  2. On the Home Screen, choose [Securely remove SD card] from the Notification Bar or [Unmount SD card] from [Menu – Settings – System Information] to safely remove a microSD card.
  3. Gently press the microSD card into the slot to open and release it.

Note: We recommend using the Samsung or Sandisk brand.

1TB Maximum Capacity

Notes on MicroSD Card Insertion

  1. Do not yank the microSD card into place. This may cause the product to malfunction and the card to be damaged.
  2. Do not keep inserting and removing the microSD card.
  3. If the microSD card is not correctly installed, it may cause product failures and become trapped in the device. Removing a microSD Card Notes
  4. Make sure the microSD card is safely removed from the device. Failure to follow the correct method might result in data corruption and catastrophic harm to the card and device.
  5. When using the microSD card, do not remove it. This may result in a malfunction, data loss, or damage to the microSD card.

Firmware Updates

  1. Make sure you’re connected to a wireless network.
  2. If a new firmware update is available, a Firmware Update Guide window will appear on the screen.
  3. Click the [Update] button.
  4. To complete the firmware upgrade, follow the on-screen instructions.

USB DAC Installation

The USB DAC capability allows a computer to identify the device as a sound card. For a better listening experience, music from the computer is played through the device’s headphone port.

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System Reset

  1. Reset and rescan the internal database with Initialize Media Scan. The amount of time it takes to initialize a database depends on how many files are saved on the device.
  2. Reset User Settings: Resets all user settings to their default values.
  3. Factory Data Reset: Deletes all user data and restores the default settings for all user settings.

Download the Astell & Kern A&ultima SP2000T User Manual

Thus the end of the snippet from the manual, there is more complete and important information and instructions that are not in the snippet above. You can read the entire document for details. The following is a button that you can use to download the pdf manual.

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