
Manual Digiten ‎WTC100 Wireless Thermostat

User manual so that customers can use the product correctly. Make sure you read the manual for the Digiten WTC100 Wireless Thermostat. We have included the download link at the end of the page.

A thermostat is an important tool for measuring temperature. Because it requires accuracy. The following article will provide a brief guide to the Digiten WTC100 Wireless Thermostat.

Install or swap out the battery

  1. For the remote, 1.2 AAA batteries are required. Make sure they are directed in the appropriate way.
  2. Change batteries as soon as the low battery alert shows.

Using the remote, pair or remove

We have already generally paired the remote that comes with it. Please fix the remote using the following procedure if it can’t connect to the controller:

  1. To link the receiver, push the M button on the remote control after releasing the power button and waiting for the LED to flash.
  2. When you press and hold the power button, the LED flashes five times. After that, it flashes twice quickly. Every remote control will be unpaired. Please go back to step 1 if you need to fix the remote. Reminder: A single remote can operate numerous receivers.

Restore the factory settings

When POWER OFF is selected, press and hold the SET button to simultaneously turn on the device. All values are reset to their factory defaults following a protracted beep.

Manual on/off functionality

The controller enters manual mode when the M button is pressed and held down for three seconds. Always on or Always off will be displayed on the display. To switch the gadget on or off, briefly press the M key. To end manual control, hold down the M key for a long time.

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To turn on/offloading, short push the power button on the receiver until the transmitter sends the command.


  1. The temperature right now is wrong. The remote measurement value is updated every 20 seconds. And if you use it for the first time, please wait for the measurement to stabilize, which should take around 5 minutes.
  2. The temperature has reached the RUN value, but the controller is inoperative. Please wait longer than 20 seconds as the remote sends data to the receiver every 20 seconds.
  3. Too many times have started the heating and cooling system Increase the distance between RUN and STOP, please.

Download User Manual Pdf

What we wrote above is only a snippet, to get more detailed information we have provided a pdf user manual below. Please click the available download button.

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