
Instruction Manual LiftMaster Automatic Gate Opener LA400EV

LiftMaster Automatic Gate Opener LA400EV Instruction manual will help operate the tool properly and correctly. Never forget to read and understand the user manual. The manual LiftMaster Automatic Gate Opener LA400EV will enable you to solve the problem.

The LiftMaster Automatic Gate Opener LA400EV is an excellent tool. You’re not wrong to have bought it. So that you can use the tool, we will give some essential points from the instruction manual. In addition, you can also download the pdf manual, which we attach at the end of the paragraph.

Preparations Checklist for Installation

Examine the contents of the carton and carefully follow the directions. Make sure everything at your gate is working correctly. The gate must open and close without sticking at any point.

Remember that the ground level may be several millimeters higher during the winter. To avoid any unwelcome to and fro movement, the gate must be stable and as backlash-free as feasible. The force adjustment needs to be more sensitive the more smoothly the gate leaf moves.

Before beginning the installation, list any required materials and get them. Tools, cables, distribution boxes, heavy-duty plugs, bolts, gate stops, etc.

Gate Stops

The use of a fixed gate stop is advocated in both open and shut directions. Gate stops reduce wear and tear on the gate, fittings, and driving mechanism. When a gate is operated without fixed limit stops, performance suffers. It frequently poses a risk, causes premature wear, and violates your warranty.

Fixing Bracket for Post

The following performance of the system is significantly influenced by where the post-fixing bracket is placed. It establishes the separation between the centers of motion of the gate and the motor and, subsequently, the opening angle.

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Dimension A and Dimension B,, are the names of these dimensions. Do not undervalue these factors’ impact on efficient operation. Try to acquire the best opening angle dimension that is accurate and appropriate in all situations.


The post is under a lot of pressure from the drive mechanism. Usually, welding the supplied hinge plate directly to the post yields installation dimensions that are adequate. The hinge must be welded to a base plate and fastened to prevent the plugs from coming loose while the hinge is in use with thick stone or concrete supports.

For this use, heavy-duty plugs that bond a threaded rod into the brickwork without creating stress is preferable to steel or plastic straddle plugs. In the case of pillars made of brickwork, bolt on a sizable steel plate that spans several bricks before welding the hinge plate. Another effective way to secure the operators is with an angle plate fastened over the post’s corner.

First operation

With your palm on the gate, test functionality when it is not engaged. Only a suitable control unit that can be acquired as an accessory will allow for the first electrical operation. Ensure you always follow any mechanical or electrical safety instructions about the installation.

Additional safety equipment (light barrier, contact strip) must be required if the force of the moving wing at its closing edge is more than 400N.

Work on Maintenance

The driving mechanism requires no upkeep. At regular intervals, confirm that the drive mechanism and gate fittings are firmly fastened (monthly). Release the drive, then make sure the gate is operating correctly. The drive mechanism won’t work correctly if the gate doesn’t move smoothly. The industry cannot resolve the issues brought on by an unreliable gate.

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Download Instruction Manual

If the Instruction Manual LiftMaster Automatic Gate Opener LA400EV is still incomplete. You can download the pdf file that we have attached below.

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